A tour of the Sonata Project
Sonata Project
# layout.html.twig {{ sonata_block_render({'type': 'sonata.product.block.similar_products'}, { 'number': 4, 'base_product_id': single_basket_element.productId }) }}
# https://github.com/sonata-project/sandbox/blob/f6264c2/app/config/sonata/sonata_page.yml#L50-L78 path: 'ApplicationSonataPageBundle::demo_layout.html.twig' name: 'default' containers: header: { name: Header } content_top: {name: Top content } content: { name: Main content } content_bottom: { name: Bottom content } footer: {name: Footer } matrix: layout: | HHHHHHHH TTTTTTTT CCCCCCCC BBBBBBBB FFFFFFFF mapping: H: header T: content_top C: content B: content_bottom F: footer
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar create-project sonata-project/sandbox:2.3.x-dev
php bin/load_data.php
<?php new Sonata\CoreBundle\SonataCoreBundle(), new Sonata\IntlBundle\SonataIntlBundle(), new Sonata\FormatterBundle\SonataFormatterBundle(),
imports: - { resource: sonata/sonata_formatter.yml } - { resource: sonata/sonata_intl.yml } - { resource: sonata/sonata_core.yml }
{ "sonata-project/intl-bundle": "~2.2", "sonata-project/core-bundle": "~2.2", "sonata-project/formatter-bundle": "~2.3", }
: runs local tests and vendors' testsbin/qa_phpdocs.sh
: generates PHP Doc (with Sami)bin/qa_package.sh
: create archives with code + vendor (minus .git folders)bin/qa_build_git.sh
: push code + vendor to a dedicated git repositorybin/load_data.php
: reset sandbox and load datamake beer
: centralize tooling management