Send Mail with symfony 1.2


Symfony 1.0 has introduced a nice feature : a quick and a simple way to generate email. This feature has been deprecated from symfony 1.1 and symfony 1.2, maybe the mailer option was not flexible enough [1].

swToolboxPlugin introduces a new sendEmail method which works almost as the old symfony 1.0 version but with better options :

  • Email decorator
  • Zend_Mail Support
  • Charset and Encoding
  • variables assignement from the controller

This solution is based on Zend_Mail for more information please refer to the Zend Framework documentation available at :


  1. Download Zend Framework (this part can be funny but Zend Framework is more a set of very good library than a framework.)
  1. Install swToolboxPlugin
  1. Edit the app.yml file and add the following configuration
      charset: utf-8                             # charset to use : utf-8, iso-8859-1, ...  
      encoding: quoted-printable                 # 7bit, 8bit, quoted-printable, base64 (default : quoted-printable)  
      transport:                                 # define which transport class to used  
        class: Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail      # Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail | Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp  
      decorator:                                 # define the layout use in the mail  
        enabled: off                             # on | off : set true if all your mail share the same layout  
        directory: %SF_APP_TEMPLATE_DIR%         # where the layout is located, ie %SF_APP_TEMPLATE_DIR%  
        template: email                          # name of the layout, automatically translate to name.FORMAT.php  
      view:                                      # define the view class used to render the template  
        class: swMailView



class invoicesActions extends sfActions  
  public finction executeConfirmPaiement(sfWebRequest $request)  
    // [...]  

    // create object in your controller  
    $invoice = Doctrine::getTable('Invoice')->find(..);  

    // call the email action  
    $this->sendMail('yourModule', 'sendInvoice', array('invoice' => $invoice);  


class centralMailsActions extends sfActions  
  public function executeSendInvoice(sfWebRequest $request)  
    $mail = new swMail;  

    $user = $this->invoice->getUser();  

    $mail->setSubject('Your Invoice #'.$this->invoice->getReference());  
    $mail->setFrom('[email protected]', 'Billing Service');  
    $mail->addTo($user->getEmail(), $user->getName());  

    $this->mail = $mail;  

You should have a least one template file : sendInvoiceSuccess.txt.php or sendInvoiceSuccess.html.php in your
module/templates folder.

If you want a specific layout around your email (like default header and footer), enable the decorator option
and create a ‘email.txt.php’ and/or ‘email.html.php’ inside the decorator directory. That’s just work as a standard template.


That’s all for now, hope you like this feature, I will explain more about this plugin in the next coming week.
